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one of the most comprehensive component design&nbnd manufacture packages&nbvailable today to the oil&nbnd petrochemical industry is offered by safelok components. 一个的组件的设计和制造软件包对今天的石油和石化工业是由safelok组件提供了。 harnessing the demands of the industry for total quality management (tqm), the safelok indigenous quality philosophy provides&nb range of valves&nbnd instrumentation fittings finished to the highest standa. 治理行业的质量管理(tqm)的要求,safelok土著的质量理念提供了一系列的阀门和仪表配件成品的高标准。 also ideal for other industrial&nbpplicatinbsp;wher significant opportunities exist for component replacement&nbnd enhancement. ctruction material specification includes stainless steel,&nbluminium bronze&nbmp; carbon steel.&nb variety of&nblternative exotic material specificati&nbre&nbvailable eg. monel, hasteloy, incoloy&nbnd titanium. 也可用于其它工业应用的理想选择,其中存在重大机会,部件的更换和增强。施工材料的规格,包括不锈钢,铝青铜、碳钢。各种不同的异国情调的材料规格可如蒙乃尔,hasteloy,耐热镍铬铁合金和钛。 maintaining their tqm practices throughout the manufacturing process, safelok ensure&nbll materials utilised in the completion of major components&nbre traceable. copies of the original mill certificates&nbre retained for future reference. 保持他们的tqm的做法在整个制造过程中,safelok确保所有材料中使用的主要成分是可追溯的完成。 [详细介绍] 公司档案